Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Legend Rock X~JAPAN

X~Japan Biography
Leader And Producer Of X~JAPAN
(Drummer, Piano)




X japan adalah kumpulan Speed Metal jepun yang paling popular dan berkuasa dalam dunia musik J-rock.X japan ni mempunyai pengaruh yang amat besar di jepun kerana ahli kumpulan X japan ni terdiri daripada 5 orang pemusik paling hebat di jepun dan diketuai oleh Yoshiki. Yoshiki adalah ketua dan producer untuk kumpulan X japan dan merupakan master mind dalam musik J rock di jepun dimana hampir semua kumpulan2 pemusik J rock yang baru muncul dan ingin terkenal ke seluruh dunia adalah dari syarikat yang dimiliki oleh Yoshiki. Ahli yang kedua ialah Toshi, Toshi adalah vokalis untuk kumpulan X japan juga merupakan sahabat baik Yoshiki sejak kecil. Ahli yang ketiga ialah Hide. Hide adalah gitaris lagenda dalam Dunia J rock dan juga merupakan gitaris paling terhandal jepun. sepanjang hidupnya dia telah menggunakan 11 gitar kesayangannya, beliau telah meninggal dunia dan punca kematiannya adalah bunuh diri dan tidak diketahui sebabnya....Kerajaan jepun amat memandang tinggi terhadap hide kerana bakatnya dan telah membina sebuah memorial untuk Hide dan menempatkan gitar2 beliau disitu untuk ditatapi oleh rakyat jepun. di saat beliau dikebumikan hampir 4 juta rakyat jepun datang ke majlis pengkebumiannya......Ahli yang ke Empat ialah Heath, beliau adalah Bass untuk kumpulan X japan dan juga perekrut artis2 baru di Jepun. Dan yang terakhir adalah Pata. Pata juga sama seperti hide iaitu gitaris untuk X japan.Pata Adalah kawan karib Toshi.

X japan Adalah artis jepun yang pertama berjaya memecah rekod jualan album jepun di luar negara. kumpulan ini amat terkenal di US, Xjapan sangat popular hingga Kumpulan2 heavy metal dan speed metal seperti Scorpion, Gun and Roses, Sex Pistol mesti join kumpulan ini di setiap persembahan konsert X japan di US. Lagu bertajuk IV dari kumpulan X japan adalah lagu tema untuk filem Saw 4...
Awe ni peminat tahap dewa kumpulan X japan nih! Antara lagu paling best diorang ialah Art of Life yang amat panjang iatu slama 30 minit untuk lagu ini sahaja! lagu lain yang Awe minat adalah Endless Rain, X, Kurenai, Scar, Logging, Forever Love, Dahlia, Crucify My Love, Drain, Tears, Rusty Nail, dan banyak lagi
Hehehe... Awe ade semue lagu dan Vklipp diorang, klu nak gi la amik kat komputer Awe kat rumah......

di bawah ini adalah maklumat tentang Sejarah X-Japan.

X Japan were one of the first visual bands in Japan and also one of the most popular. They started in teh mid-80's with the union of school friends Yoshiki (drums and piano) and Toshi (lead vocals). After that the joined with a couple other guys and formed the band X. They released the two singles 'I'll kill you' and 'Orgasm' and made it on two compilations albums with other Japanese newcomer bands. At that time Pata (guitar) and Taiji (bass) joined the band.In 1988 they made their first album 'Vanishing Vision' and hired a second guitarist, hide. The album was released on Yoshikis new record label Extasy. It was a great success and they changed to Sony records. More albums ('Blue Blood' and 'Jealousy') and more touring. With Jealousy they tried to come out in America, but no one there wanted visual bands. They renamed the band in X Japan because in America there was already a band called X. The band had great success in Japan and the members also made solo projects. At this time Taiji (bass) left the band and was replace with Heath. Yoshiki wrote the 23 minutes long song 'Art of life' which was the first record on their new label Atlantic Records. In 1996 finally came their last album 'Dahlia'. In the spring of 1997 Toshi (vocals) decided to quit the band for 'artistic and religous reasons', so they announced their disbanding in September 1997. They made a final Goodbye concert in December. The members made different solo projects. In 1998 a tragedy happened, hide commited suicide for unknown reasons. The fans were shocked. Yoshiki draw back from public. In 2000 he started a comeback with his project Violet UK...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Festival Kolej Uitm Machang Yang Best!!

Woit!! Ini lah gamber2 mase aku kat Festival Kolej Uitm!!
Acara Tomoi!! seni memperlawakkan peserta tomoi!!
Tarian Zapin Ala Tae Kwan Do...!! eeewwaahh!!!

Acara yang diadakan ole h skuad Bomba Machang.

hey, elok elok jalan2 kat festival tuu. ade banyak boaye darat!!
pelik2 laa muke mu ni Prooff.

hahaha! jom la kito gi Festival Kolej!!

Aku dan kawe2 aku kat Festival kolej!! dari kiri tu Prooff pastu kat kanan tu pulak Paan yang sucker hahahaha!

Ni la skuad pencegah maksiat, haa yang kat tengah tu aku laa..

Festival Kolej Uitm Machang!! hey pembace semue, kat U kitorang ade festival die, festival ni best sebab klu nak join niage pon boleh, banyak gak aktivi kat festival nih, ade tarian zapin dari bebudak kelab tarian, pastu kalu malam ade teater lakonan dari bebudak CUTE, hohoho, aku paling suke festival Kolej, sebab leh kluar bergumbira ngan kawan2. tp pertunjukan Tae Kwan Do kat U ni mase Sem 3 ari tu suck sebab ade sorang ahli klab tu kene sepak kat muke dan patah gigi depannye secara tidak sengaja oleh seniornye yang berkelakuan seperti ingin menyepak mukenye itu, Hahahaha! Eh Eh!? lupelak, orang luar pon boleh datang kat festival nih, kat festival ni gak ada Activiti maksiat seperti wat project kat blakang Dewan Pro, dan kene kejo dengan Skuad Bebas Maksiat Uitm. Hoh0oho!

Awe's Best PrenZ Mafiza

Ceeewah! Kito minum dulu!!......bayar kemudian!! Haha!

haaaa!! Psp warna pink tu Psp mafiza la..

Hey! hey! hey! wei korang semue, ni la maskot girl klas C, hahaha! dan jugak merupekan best prenz aku selain kema, Hoho, ok la die ni namenye Mafiza, orangnya baik,tp time die ajak minum slalu order teh tarik, agak lurus bendul skit, dan yang paling best mafiza ni perangai die mcm budak2. kadang 2 slalu gak tukar2 game Psp ngan aku, hehe Orang yang ade Psp kat klas c selain aku, mafiza la. Rahim slalu gak ngosek dio nih, tp jangan ngajar bende pelik2 kat die nih, nanti die ikut haha! Kekal la deh dok kat Klas C, ohhh satu lagi, kepade semue boys mafiza dah ade gewe doh, name dier Rozi. hahaha camne? leh tak tulun awe cari rumah sewe? Xleh kolej dah weyyyy...

Awe's prenZ Zura

Cube teke mane satu zura? mestilah yang ke-2 dari sbelah kanan tu Haha!

Hehehehe! sory ye lambat upload article, Hahahaha! hey korang semue cekmek molek ni namenye Zura!! tentang kawe awe yang sorang ni pulak, die ni pemdiam, baik, dan merupekan kawan baik Shida! kepada semue boys klu korang nak wat lawak buang tebiat tak bertempat, atau lawak x menjadi, baik jangan... karang ade la yang kene marah kang, hahahaha! Zura, kekal la dok klas C, Klas C best!! camne buah tangan awe bli tu? kool kan? haha..

Saturday, July 12, 2008

UItm Klate Ku yang best!!!

Ini laa Bangunan Pejabat Uitm Machang!! Dan itu adalah Askar Uitm yang Dipanggil Lecturer!!

Yaaa!! kitorang sokong X pax!! walaupon gune nombor Maxis!!

HEllOOO!! hey semue!! sini la tempat paling best kalu korang nak wat diploma!!Kampus UiTM Machang merupakan salah satu daripada cawangan Universiti Teknologi Mara yang terletak di dalam negeri Kelantan. Ia telah ditubuhkan pada bulan Julai 1985 sebagai kampus cawangan UiTM yang kesembilan di sebuah lokasi sementara berhampiran Kota Bharu. Kini, kampus UiTM cawangan Kelantan berada di lokasi tetapnya di belakang rumah Awe kat Machang setelah mula berpindah pada bulan Januari 1996. ia juga merupakan tempat awe study skarang hahaha!!! jaraknya dari rumah Awe adalah lebih kurang 2 kilometer, jauh tuhh!!! walaupon ia dibina di atas bukit, dan terdapat diskriminasi terhadap pelajar lelaki iaitu pelajar lelaki sdikit saje yang dapat dok kat kolej. Awe adalah salah seorang dari mangsa tersebut terpaksa dok kat rumah!! satu lagi yang x syok kat U ni, pelajar lelaki xleh naik tenggiling kuning(van uitm) sebab pakcik drebar van adalah pencinta wanita! oh satu lagi, sir macroeconomy kat sini jugak SUCKKSS!! Ape-ape pon UiTm Klate tatap monjadi pojaan hatikuu!!

Awe's prenZ Shida

eh eh eh? cek mek ni plok namenye Shida, rahim slalu panggil di puteri farah binti nordin Hahaha! slalu gak die kene kacau ngan rahim. betul ke ni nak makan maggie sampai satu kotak? shida, best x dok klas C?? mesti la best sebab klas C is The Great!!

Awe's prenZ Jaa

Hohoho ini adalah Jaa, tentang die ni plak orng nye baik, pandai, tp time die marah.....yaa Allah!! takut nyo aku!! haa!! nak tau? antara orang yang plng banyak msg ngan aku, die ni laa haha! Ok Jaa kalu awe perlukan nasihat nati msg plak deh, Arigatouuu!! hmmm......aku rase die ni Best prenz kas laa... sebab tiap2 kelas mesti duduk bersebelahan...hehehe teruskan menjadi kawe baikk!!

Awe' PrenZ Opet

ini orang manyak hebat punya olang!! ini la Opet, profesor dalam klas C, Adi kato die ni tgh gersang sebab awek die dah Grad hahaha! haa?? nak nak tau pasal die gak ke? ok laa, opet ni pandai, slalu jd tok guru,tetapi aku tertekan sungguh melihat aksi ngok nyer dengan Adi, hahaha! opet! jadi tok guru Macro Aku pulok Sem 4 nih!!!

Awe's prenZ Kastini

hahaha! ni pulok namenye Kastini, kema kate die ni minat anime Yakitate Japan, patut la dio punye prenster shout tulih Azuma Kazuma, aku ingat apo ko bondo la Azuma kazuma tu...jangan maen2 dio nih terer thp dewa bahasa cine tau tak, skali dio bagi bu yong ke chi kau fuh!! miss hok sook kuan pon tabek beebb!! hehe sem 4 ni mintak tulun translate skrip bley?? hehehe jange mare nanti lekas tuo...tapi kadang2 aku tngok stail die ni mcm mat dispacth time die tgh lorat nak gi kelas hahaha...Hidup Kelas C!!

Awe's PrenZ Rahim Khalwat

haa ni pulok Rahim, memang suckss laa kawe aku sorang ni, maen dota tak bagi peluang langsung, xpe nanti aku kalahkan ko!! Hahahaha! nak tau prangai dio ni? tiap2 kali aku nak tido ade je yang nyibok nak berpelok ngan aku, Isskk Ko ni gayyy!!! pastu ko lupe nak charge balik psp aku lepas maen, haaa!! satu lagi, Horlic yang aku baru beli ari tu orang buat minum la, bukan buat makan....Ayoyoyo!! tauke milo pon boleh bankrap tau tak!! aku ayat power mu,....Oh!! Efaa!!! hehehehehhh!! tengok tengok!! gape dio tengok tuh??

Awe's Best PrenZ ~ Kemakage!!

Haaa!! to all my prenz, ni la kawe paling baik aku,x laen dan tak bukan.... Kema, hahaha!! woit kema sem 2 ngan 3 nih dah terok gile babon pointer kite... jom kito study berbiri biri!! hahaha,

eh korang nak tau ke pasal die? die ni peminat fanatik anime ngan manga, hahha kepade semue yg rase korang tu otaku tahap dewa, try la tanding ngan die nih, hahhaha! kalah korang...(^_^)/


hait! arigatou minna!! ni adalah adi, baru2 ni adi kato nok jadi abe angkat aku.... tah! ade ke patut dio panggil aku Ucu?? iskk!! takpe la hok aku tau kot guane2 pon adi Is my best pren!! walaupon suke amik barang2 aku tanpe kebenaran... HAHAHAHA! thank you Adibayo!! tu orng yang tgh angkat peace tu, Adi laaa.....Hoho!

Larc~en~ciel ( Awe's Favourite Band)

L’Arc-en-Ciel is not a “visual-kei” band. Repeat – not a “visual-kei” band. Not at all. Just a straightahead rock band. That message bears repeating because the band vehemently objects to being tagged with the visual-kei label, so much so that they once walked off the stage during a TV broadcast when the MC had the temerity to use the dreaded “V” word when introducing L’Arc-en-Ciel. The band’s management also demands apologies from journalists who dare to describe L’Arc-en-Ciel as visual-kei. L’Arc-en-Ciel were in fact identified with the whole decadent/glam visual-kei scene when the band was formed in Osaka in 1991 by vocalist Hyde, guitarist Hiro, bassist Tetsu and drummer Pero. The band’s name, by the way, means “rainbow,” in French, reflecting the visual-kei scene’s fascination with things Gallic, which they associate with fin-de-siecle decadence. L’Arc-en-Ciel’s fans, however, refer to the band simply as “Laruku.” After gigging extensively throughout western Japan, L’Arc-en-Ciel released their first album, Dune on an independent label in 1993, and their first single, “Blurry Eyes,” in October 1994. They soon became one of Japan’s biggest rock acts and continue to sell truckloads of CDs. L’Arc-en-Ciel’s lineup has changed over the years, starting with the replacement of guitarist Hiro by Ken (the band doesn’t seem to go in for surnames much). And at the beginning of 1998, then-drummer Sakura left the band after a drug bust and was replaced by Yukihiro. 1998 also saw the band release three singles on one day – July 8. One of them, "Shinshoku – Lose Control", went to No. 2 on the singles chart. On July 1, 1999, L'Arc-En-Ciel made history by releasing two albums (Ark and Ray) simultaneously in Asia and Japan -- an industry first. Those two albums, plus Neo Universe/finale, were among the 17 winners in the Recording Industry Assn. of Japan’s Rock Album of the Year category at the 2000 edition of the RIAJ’s Gold Disc Awards show. In 2002, Hyde released an all-English version of his solo album, Roentgen (the Japanese edition featured songs in English and Japanese), in Asia. The idea was to get around South Korea's ban on Japanese-language vocals, which was still in force at the time. In contrast to L'Arc-en-Ciel's in-your-face brand of rock'n'roll, Hyde's first solo effort was a collection of quiet songs featuring his plaintive, understated vocals set against lush orchestral backdrops. The singles from the album were released in coffin-shaped jewel boxes. In 2001 Sony released the best-of album Clicked Singles Best 13 in the U.S. L’Arc-en-Ciel started to build up a steady overseas following as anime fans became familiar with the band’s music though the use of tunes such as "Blurry Eyes", "Driver’s High" and "Ready Steady Go" as TV-animation show theme songs. L'Arc-en-Ciel made their U.S debut on July 31, 2004, in front of an audience of 12,000 fans at the Otakon anime convention in Baltimore, Md. The band received a rapturous reception there when they played "The Fourth Avenue Cafe", the theme song to Japanese samurai anime series Rurouni Kenshin.

J~rock fashion

New trends from Japan’s music-inspired movement called Japanese Rock, or J-rock, or “Visual Kei” has officially entered the American youth culture landscape as seen in full force May 29-30 at the Jrock Revolution Festival in Los Angeles. The event featured 9 of the top J-rock bands currently in massively heavy rotation in Japan, and apparently, underground America (see also Music section and story) as thousands of passionate 14-20-year-olds mostly, packed the Wiltern Theater for the festival. The shows sold out in hours with no real traditional advertising or marketing at all, but rather through word-of-mouth, social online networks, and band fansites as people from all parts of the United States, and as far away as Chile, the UK, and Canada flocked to see their favorite J-rock musicians live in concert.
This music subculture, while not necessarily appreciated yet among the mainstream media (Spin, Rolling Stone, Blender, MTV, and even Alternative Press were shamefully no where in sight although will be airing a show and we have several mini-sodes going live too, thank God), has such a strong undercurrent of followers among younger, anime and music-inspired fans, that it’s clearly making a mark on streetwear fashion among this new generation of consumers. What most American music editors cannot believe is how can people absolutely love music that’s sung in Japanese? Even fashion leaders on the edge are hung-up on pinpointing just where EGA (Elegant Gothic Aristocrats) and other anime-inspired fashion are coming from. Neither see the anime and J-rock connection which clearly illustrates the generation gap within pop culture itself. From a typical ethnocentric American perspective (of a 30+-year-old), J-rock style is perceived as a rip-off of Marilyn Manson or Harajuku-loving Gwen Stefani, when the reality is that the real sources, the J-rock bands and fans combined with anime, are the inspiration from which such artists created their styles. Interestingly, the real sources came in a package last weekend put on by Jrock Revolution organizers Social Capital, Treadstone Records, Artists Addiction Soundtracks, Justin Time productions, and producers Kevin Lyman from 4-Fini in the form of a line-up including Kagraa, alice nine., Miyavi, DuelJewel, Vidoll, Mucc, girugamesh, Merry, and DespairsRay.
J-rock is also known as visual kei, which means visual style, which by its very definition is where music and fashion completely collide, and of course it’s the Japanese who take us there. Visual kei is high-maintenance, visually stimulating music and fashion delivered with an androgynous flair. It’s completely post-gender. Performers’ styles including unique coordinates, accessories, nail polish, hair, and colored contact lens are all intended as extensions of the freedom of expression of one’s music. But the sounds are not the Western-imitation machines many Americans still think of when it comes to music from Japan. These musicians each have their own style of rock that cross boundaries into something new from rock, metal, goth, punk, emo, and J-pop, traditional Japanese music, and hip-hop—even going so far as to mix many such sounds within the same song. All of the bands’ lead musicians can actually sing, and they all play their instruments extremely well, which is not something that can be said for all of the famous rock artists from America today.
The fashion that’s inspired by this Japanese music movement also represents a mash-up of extremes, with hints of déjà vu, then taken to the next level and making it completely original in a futuristic way…which is then copied by those of us in America and Europe. There’s Kabuki stage characterizations including colorful eye make-up and the use of fans or hand signals as a fan-dance, kimonos, obi sashes, and the like worn over denim jeans. There’s jeans over jeans and vests over vests. Suits in red and black stripes, white and metallic, feathers, two-toned hair, goth piercings, garters, forearm sleeves, accessories worn at unique angles, and/or hip-hop flavors in bright ‘80’s rave colors combined with track pants and an obi sash, Japanese graphics, goth, punk, metal, character embellishments paired with BAPE shoes or Japanese geisha sandals.
Some mark the movement from the early ‘80’s glam rock style of the band X Japan, whose drummer and pianist, Yoshiki, was the honored guest as the famous founder of the visual kei movement and Jrock Revolution festival. However the 21st century format includes glam rock taken to an all-together new level ranging from alice nine.’s punk/goth red and black ensembles that make Hot Topic designers look like amateurs, to Miyavi’s Japanese hip-hop/Kabuki version of funk-a-delic that would make Prince and even Morris Day and the Time stand up and take a bow in a moment of fashion reverence. J-rock, or visual kei, is seriously that original and is a fashion movement on the verge across America’s youth culture landscape.
Here’s a peak into the latest trends of the J-rock fashion movement as interpreted by American youth culture (see also J-rock accessories story and J-rock music story for more on the bands and style).

X~ JAPAN. The most popular J~rock Band.

X Japan biography
X Japan were one of the first visual bands in Japan and also one of the most popular. They started in the mid-80's with the union of school friends Yoshiki (drums and piano) and Toshi (lead vocals). After that the joined with a couple other guys and formed the band X. They released the two singles 'I'll kill you' and 'Orgasm' and made it on two compilations albums with other Japanese newcomer bands. At that time Pata (guitar) and Taiji (bass) joined the band.In 1988 they made their first album 'Vanishing Vision' and hired a second guitarist, hide. The album was released on Yoshikis new record label Extasy. It was a great success and they changed to Sony records. More albums ('Blue Blood' and 'Jealousy') and more touring. With Jealousy they tried to come out in America, but no one there wanted visual bands. They renamed the band in X Japan because in America there was already a band called X. The band had great success in Japan and the members also made solo projects. At this time Taiji (bass) left the band and was replace with Heath. Yoshiki wrote the 23 minutes long song 'Art of life' which was the first record on their new label Atlantic Records. In 1996 finally came their last album 'Dahlia'. In the spring of 1997 Toshi (vocals) decided to quit the band for 'artistic and religous reasons', so they announced their disbanding in September 1997. They made a final Goodbye concert in December. The members made different solo projects. In 1998 a tragedy happened, hide commited suicide for unknown reasons. The fans were shocked. Yoshiki draw back from public. In 2000 he started a comeback with his project Violet UK...

Friday, July 11, 2008


Japanese rock is a form of popular music, often abbreviated to "J-Rock" in much the same way that "J-Pop" is used as an abbreviation of Japanese Pop. J-Rock is one of the most popular forms of music in Japan.

J-Rock History

Psychedelic rock was invented in the 1960s by American and British counterculture figures. Arriving in Japan, psychedelic rock took on a different flavour. Previously known for the drug intake of its performers leaving an impact on the hazy, drugged-out music, J-Rock performers tended to be drug-free, or even adamantly anti-drug (for example, Kosugi Takehisa, Haino Keiji, Nanjo Asahito).Psychedelic rock first appeared in Japan in the mid to late 1960s. A few Group Sounds bands imitated their Anglo heros, including The Golden Cups, The Tempters, The Mops, The Dynamites and Jacks, whose "Karappo No Sekai" and "Marianne" were two of the first psychedelic recordings from the country.Like in the UK and US, the psychedelic rock scene was linked to a political movement involving young, spirited students. An economic boom brought many young people to universities, where radical politics abounded. Central to this movement, arising from the late 60s Kyoto student revolts, was the band Les Rallizes Denudés and the Taj Mahal Travellers, followed by Lost Aaraaff.In the 1970s, singer-songwriters like Kazuki Tomokawa and Kan Mikami became popular. As in the US and UK, Japanese rock spawned a folk-rock scene, there led by Magical Power Mako. At the same time, radical progressive rock was evolving, with distinctly Japanese bands like After Dinner and YB02, Kenso and KoenjiHyakkei.From the late 1980s popular rock bands such as X Japan helped define the Visual Kei aesthetic in Japanese rock and pop music. "Visual kei" is often focused upon in the West as a uniquely Japanese part of the Rock music scene. Strictly speaking, however, "Visual kei" is not defined by its sound (which may or may not be "rock" music) but by the appearance of the bands.A fringe movement from the late 1980s in Japanese alternative rock took the form of noise rock, a sound popularised by bands such as Boredoms.

J-ROCK Bands

The 5,6,7,8's Acidman Asian Kung-Fu Generation Bleach03 The Blue Hearts The Boom BOØWY Boredoms Brahman The Brilliant Green Buck-Tick B'z Dir en grey Do As Infinity GLAY Guitar Wolf The Golden Cups GO!GO!7188 The High-Lows Janne Da Arc L'Arc-en-Ciel Luna Sea Malice Mizer Miyavi PYG RC Succession Shonen Knife the pillows Thee Michelle Gun Elephant The Tempters The Tigers The Yellow Monkey Vodka Collins X Japan